Tuesday 19 November 2013

Comic Character Workshop

The staff at the Mt Roskill branch of Auckland City Libraries are fantastic at creating all sorts of intiatives to engage with their members, such as hosting events and workshops. A good example is their September Comic Book Month celebration.

Flyer image copyright Auckland Council (characters trademarked Beyond Reality Media).

So when I was asked to contribute by hosting a workshop during this Comic event, I was only too happy to help out. In initial discussions with Marion Walker (the Children’s Librarian), we brainstormed about what shape the workshop could take (given the timeframe of an hour and a half) and came up with – ‘Create your own Comic Character’.

I prepared a worksheet with ideas and illustrations in advance of the workshop itself, liasing with Marion and later with Harriet Hodge, whose feedback was helpful in this regard.

© Photos copyright Harriet Hodge.

The worksheet was a summary of approaches to coming up with ideas, and some general principles of drawing. But this has to be done in balance, as I think it is important to not be too prescriptive and thereby overwhelm a child’s natural creativity, by setting all sorts of rules around ‘this is the way to draw’, etc.

© Photos copyright Harriet Hodge.

The workshop was open to all comers, and was very enjoyable to run, with children and adults attending (including Library staff – who helped to provide valuable support on the day). I had a great time working alongside all the participants, and it was amazing to see all the art that was produced. 

© Photos copyright Harriet Hodge.

Once again, I used this chance to show my own portfolio (demonstrating different styles and approaches) as another deadline, providing further impetus to complete more of my ongoing Masters’ project.

It’s great to have the chance to be involved with the next generation of NZ comic artists! Many thanks to Harriet for providing photos.

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